We were delighted when Fordham Pre-School asked us to transform their children’s outside play area.
We’re even more delighted to share the word from their newsletter:
Over the su
mmer Andy and his team at AMS Building & Landscaping completed transformed the overgrown area at the back of our building to give us a mud kitchen, a sensory garden and an allotment which the children are absolutely loving!
The work was paid for with the £12000 grant we were lucky enough to receive through the Tesco Bags of Help scheme and on Friday 30th September, we combined the Grand Opening of the play area with a fundraising Macmillan Coffee Morning. Reverend Mike Banyard, together with Alistair Thomson and Becky Reville from Newmarket Tesco, performed the opening ceremony in front of a large crowd of parents, children and supporters.
Thank you to all those who baked such amazing cakes, to the Fordham Co-op for their generous donation and to all those who attended and helped us celebrate our good fortune and raise over £200 for the Macmillan charity.
You can also download a printable copy of the School’s article about the grand opening here.